#!/bin/sh : <<-'EOF' Copyright 2017 Xingwang Liao <kuoruan@gmail.com> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. EOF export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin # Haproxy-lkl 服务名称 SERVICE_NAME='haproxy-lkl' # Haproxy-lkl 默认安装路径,修改之后需要同时修改服务启动文件 HAPROXY_LKL_DIR="/usr/local/$SERVICE_NAME" BASE_URL='https://github.com/kuoruan/shell-scripts/raw/master/ovz-bbr' HAPROXY_BIN_URL="${BASE_URL}/bin/haproxy.linux2628_x86_64" HAPROXY_LKL_BIN_URL="${BASE_URL}/bin/haproxy-lkl.sh" HAPROXY_LKL_SERVICE_FILE_DEBIAN_URL="${BASE_URL}/startup/haproxy-lkl.init.debain" HAPROXY_LKL_SERVICE_FILE_REDHAT_URL="${BASE_URL}/startup/haproxy-lkl.init.redhat" HAPROXY_LKL_SYSTEMD_FILE_URL="${BASE_URL}/startup/haproxy-lkl.systemd" LKL_LIB_URL="${BASE_URL}/lib64/liblkl-hijack.so-20170724" LKL_LIB_MD5='b50fc6a7ccfc70c76f44506814e7e18b' # 需要 BBR 加速的端口 ACCELERATE_PORT= clear cat >&2 <<-'EOF' ####################################################### # OpenVZ BBR 一键安装脚本 # # 该脚本用于在 OpenVZ 服务器上安装配置 Google BBR # # 脚本作者: Xingwang Liao <kuoruan@gmail.com> # # 作者博客: https://blog.kuoruan.com/ # # Github: https://github.com/kuoruan/shell-scripts # # QQ交流群: 43391448, 68133628 # # 633945405 # ####################################################### EOF command_exists() { command -v "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1 } check_root() { local user="$(id -un 2>/dev/null || true)" if [ "$user" != "root" ]; then cat >&2 <<-'EOF' 权限错误, 请使用 root 用户运行此脚本! EOF exit 1 fi } check_ovz() { if [ ! -d /proc/vz ]; then cat >&2 <<-'EOF' 当前服务器好像不是 OpenVZ 架构,你可以直接更换内核以启用 BBR。 当然,你也可以继续安装。 EOF any_key_to_continue fi } check_ldd() { local ldd_version="$(ldd --version 2>/dev/null | grep 'ldd' | rev | cut -d ' ' -f1 | rev)" if [ -n "$ldd_version" ]; then if [ "${ldd_version%.*}" -eq "2" -a "${ldd_version#*.}" -lt "14" ] || \ [ "${ldd_version%.*}" -lt "2" ]; then cat >&2 <<-EOF 当前服务器的 glibc 版本为 $ldd_version。 最低版本需求 2.14,低于这个版本无法正常使用。 请先更新 glibc 之后再运行脚本。 EOF exit 1 fi else cat >&2 <<-EOF 获取 glibc 版本失败,请手动检查: ldd --version 最低版本需求 2.14,低于这个版本可能无法正常使用。 EOF ( set -x; ldd --version 2>/dev/null ) any_key_to_continue fi } check_arch() { architecture=$(uname -m) case $architecture in amd64|x86_64) ;; *) cat 1>&2 <<-EOF 当前脚本仅支持 64 位系统,你的系统为: $architecture 你可以尝试从源码编译安装 Linux Kernel Library https://github.com/lkl/linux EOF exit 1 ;; esac } any_key_to_continue() { echo "请按任意键继续或 Ctrl + C 退出" local saved="$(stty -g)" stty -echo stty cbreak dd if=/dev/tty bs=1 count=1 2> /dev/null stty -raw stty echo stty $saved } get_os_info() { lsb_dist='' dist_version='' if command_exists lsb_release; then lsb_dist="$(lsb_release -si)" fi if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/lsb-release ]; then lsb_dist="$(. /etc/lsb-release && echo "$DISTRIB_ID")" fi if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/debian_version ]; then lsb_dist='debian' fi if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/fedora-release ]; then lsb_dist='fedora' fi if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/oracle-release ]; then lsb_dist='oracleserver' fi if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/centos-release ]; then lsb_dist='centos' fi if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/redhat-release ]; then lsb_dist='redhat' fi if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/photon-release ]; then lsb_dist='photon' fi if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/os-release ]; then lsb_dist="$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$ID")" fi lsb_dist="$(echo "$lsb_dist" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" if [ "${lsb_dist}" = "redhatenterpriseserver" ]; then lsb_dist='redhat' fi case "$lsb_dist" in ubuntu) if command_exists lsb_release; then dist_version="$(lsb_release --codename | cut -f2)" fi if [ -z "$dist_version" ] && [ -r /etc/lsb-release ]; then dist_version="$(. /etc/lsb-release && echo "$DISTRIB_CODENAME")" fi ;; debian|raspbian) dist_version="$(cat /etc/debian_version | sed 's/\/.*//' | sed 's/\..*//')" case "$dist_version" in 9) dist_version="stretch" ;; 8) dist_version="jessie" ;; 7) dist_version="wheezy" ;; esac ;; oracleserver) lsb_dist="oraclelinux" dist_version="$(rpm -q --whatprovides redhat-release --queryformat "%{VERSION}\n" | sed 's/\/.*//' | sed 's/\..*//' | sed 's/Server*//')" ;; fedora|centos|redhat) dist_version="$(rpm -q --whatprovides ${lsb_dist}-release --queryformat "%{VERSION}\n" | sed 's/\/.*//' | sed 's/\..*//' | sed 's/Server*//' | sort | tail -1)" ;; "vmware photon") lsb_dist="photon" dist_version="$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_ID")" ;; *) if command_exists lsb_release; then dist_version="$(lsb_release --codename | cut -f2)" fi if [ -z "$dist_version" ] && [ -r /etc/os-release ]; then dist_version="$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_ID")" fi ;; esac if [ -z "$lsb_dist" -o -z "$dist_version" ]; then cat >&2 <<-EOF 无法确定服务器系统版本信息。 请联系脚本作者。 EOF exit 1 fi } install_deps() { ip_support_tuntap() { command_exists ip && ip tuntap >/dev/null 2>&1 } case "$lsb_dist" in ubuntu|debian|raspbian) local did_apt_get_update= apt_get_update() { if [ -z "$did_apt_get_update" ]; then ( set -x; sleep 3; apt-get update ) did_apt_get_update=1 fi } if ! command_exists wget; then apt_get_update ( set -x; sleep 3; apt-get install -y -q wget ca-certificates ) fi if ! command_exists ip; then apt_get_update ( set -x; sleep 3; apt-get install -y -q iproute ) fi if ! command_exists timeout; then apt_get_update ( set -x; sleep 3; apt-get install -y -q coreutils ) fi if ! command_exists iptables; then apt_get_update ( set -x; sleep 3; apt-get install -y -q iptables ) fi if ! ip_support_tuntap; then apt_get_update ( set -x; sleep 3; apt-get install -y -q uml-utilities ) fi ;; fedora|centos|redhat|oraclelinux|photon) if [ "$lsb_dist" = "fedora" ] && [ "$dist_version" -ge "22" ]; then if ! command_exists wget; then ( set -x; sleep 3; dnf -y -q install wget ca-certificates ) fi if ! command_exists ip; then ( set -x; sleep 3; dnf -y -q install iproute ) fi if ! command_exists timeout; then ( set -x; sleep 3; dnf -y -q install coreutils ) fi if ! command_exists iptables; then ( set -x; sleep 3; dnf -y -q install iptables ) fi if ! ip_support_tuntap && ! command_exists tunctl; then ( set -x; sleep 3; dnf -y -q install tunctl ) fi elif [ "$lsb_dist" = "photon" ]; then if ! command_exists wget; then ( set -x; sleep 3; tdnf -y install wget ca-certificates ) fi if ! command_exists ip; then ( set -x; sleep 3; tdnf -y install iproute ) fi if ! command_exists timeout; then ( set -x; sleep 3; tdnf -y install coreutils ) fi if ! command_exists iptables; then ( set -x; sleep 3; tdnf -y install iptables ) fi if ! ip_support_tuntap && ! command_exists tunctl; then ( set -x; sleep 3; tdnf -y install tunctl ) fi else if ! command_exists wget; then ( set -x; sleep 3; yum -y -q install wget ca-certificates ) fi if ! command_exists ip; then ( set -x; sleep 3; yum -y -q install iproute ) fi if ! command_exists timeout; then ( set -x; sleep 3; yum -y -q install coreutils ) fi if ! command_exists iptables firewall-cmd; then ( set -x; sleep 3; yum -y -q install iptables ) fi if ! ip_support_tuntap && ! command_exists tunctl; then ( set -x; sleep 3; yum -y -q install tunctl ) fi fi ;; *) cat >&2 <<-EOF 暂时不支持当前系统:${lsb_dist} ${dist_version} EOF exit 1 ;; esac } check_nat_create() { if ( command_exists ip && ip tuntap >/dev/null 2>&1 ); then ( set -x ip tuntap del dev lkl-tap-test mode tap >/dev/null 2>&1 ip tuntap add dev lkl-tap-test mode tap ) elif command_exists tunctl; then ( set -x tunctl -d lkl-tap-test >/dev/null 2>&1 tunctl -t lkl-tap-test ) else cat >&2 <<-'EOF' 无法找到已安装的 ip 命令(支持 tuntap) 或者 tunctl 应该是脚本自动安装失败了。 请手动安装 iproute 和 tunctl EOF exit 1 fi if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then cat >&2 <<-'EOF' 无法创建 NAT 网络。 由于某些服务商的 VPS 无法创建 NAT 网络, 所以不支持用此方法开启 BBR,安装脚本将会退出。 EOF exit 1 fi } download_file() { local url=$1 local file=$2 ( set -x; wget -O "$file" --no-check-certificate "$url" ) if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then cat >&2 <<-EOF 一些文件下载失败!安装脚本需要能访问到 github.com,请检查服务器网络。 注意: 一些国内服务器可能无法正常访问 github.com。 EOF exit 1 fi } install_haproxy() { ( set -x mkdir -p "${HAPROXY_LKL_DIR}"/etc \ "${HAPROXY_LKL_DIR}"/lib64 \ "${HAPROXY_LKL_DIR}"/sbin ) if ! grep -q '^haproxy:' '/etc/passwd'; then ( set -x useradd -U -s '/usr/sbin/nologin' -d '/nonexistent' haproxy 2>/dev/null ) fi local haproxy_bin="${HAPROXY_LKL_DIR}/sbin/haproxy" download_file "$HAPROXY_BIN_URL" "$haproxy_bin" chmod +x "$haproxy_bin" if ! ( $haproxy_bin -v 2>/dev/null | grep -q 'HA-Proxy' ); then cat >&2 <<-EOF HAproxy 可执行文件无法正常运行 可能是 glibc 版本过低,或者文件不适用于你的系统。 请联系脚本作者,寻求支持。 EOF ( set -x ldd --version ) exit 1 fi local haproxy_lkl_bin="${HAPROXY_LKL_DIR}/sbin/${SERVICE_NAME}" download_file "$HAPROXY_LKL_BIN_URL" "$haproxy_lkl_bin" sed -i -r "s#^HAPROXY_LKL_DIR=.*#HAPROXY_LKL_DIR='"${HAPROXY_LKL_DIR}"'#" \ "$haproxy_lkl_bin" set_interface() { local has_vnet=0 if command_exists ip; then ip -o link show | grep -q 'venet0' has_vnet=$? elif command_exists ifconfig; then ifconfig -s | grep -q 'venet0' has_vnet=$? fi if [ "$has_vnet" != 0 ]; then cat >&2 <<-EOF 检测发现你的公网接口不是 venet0,需要你手动输入一下网络接口名称。 我们会根据网络接口设置转发规则,如果网络接口名称设置不正确, 外部网络将无法正常访问到内部服务端口。 * 网络接口是具有公网 IP 的接口名称。 你可以从下面的信息中找到你的公网接口名称: EOF if command_exists ip; then ip addr show else ifconfig fi local input= while : do read -p "请输入你的网络接口名称(例如: eth0): " input echo if [ -n "$input" ]; then sed -i -r "s#^INTERFACE=.*#INTERFACE='"${input}"'#" "$haproxy_lkl_bin" else echo "输入信息不能为空,请重新输入!" continue fi break done fi } set_interface chmod +x "$haproxy_lkl_bin" local haproxy_lkl_startup_file= local haproxy_lkl_startup_file_url= if command_exists systemctl; then haproxy_lkl_startup_file="/lib/systemd/system/${SERVICE_NAME}.service" haproxy_lkl_startup_file_url="${HAPROXY_LKL_SYSTEMD_FILE_URL}" download_file "$haproxy_lkl_startup_file_url" "$haproxy_lkl_startup_file" elif command_exists service; then haproxy_lkl_startup_file="/etc/init.d/${SERVICE_NAME}" case "$lsb_dist" in ubuntu|debian|raspbian) haproxy_lkl_startup_file_url="${HAPROXY_LKL_SERVICE_FILE_DEBIAN_URL}" download_file "$haproxy_lkl_startup_file_url" "$haproxy_lkl_startup_file" chmod +x "$haproxy_lkl_startup_file" ;; fedora|centos|redhat|oraclelinux|photon) haproxy_lkl_startup_file_url="${HAPROXY_LKL_SERVICE_FILE_REDHAT_URL}" download_file "$haproxy_lkl_startup_file_url" "$haproxy_lkl_startup_file" chmod +x "$haproxy_lkl_startup_file" ;; *) echo "没有适合当前系统的服务启动脚本文件。" exit 1 ;; esac else cat >&2 <<-'EOF' 当前服务器未安装 systemctl 或者 service 命令,无法配置服务。 请先手动安装 systemd 或者 service 之后再运行脚本。 EOF exit 1 fi echo "$ACCELERATE_PORT" > "${HAPROXY_LKL_DIR}/etc/port-rules" } install_lkl_lib() { local lib_file="${HAPROXY_LKL_DIR}/lib64/liblkl-hijack.so" local retry=0 download_lkl_lib() { download_file "$LKL_LIB_URL" "$lib_file" if command_exists md5sum; then ( set -x echo "${LKL_LIB_MD5} ${lib_file}" | md5sum -c ) if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then if [ "$retry" -lt "3" ]; then echo "文件校验失败!3 秒后重新下载..." retry=`expr $retry + 1` sleep 3 download_lkl_lib else cat >&2 <<-EOF Linux 内核文件校验失败。 通常是网络原因造成文件下载不全。 EOF exit 1 fi fi fi } download_lkl_lib chmod +x "$lib_file" } enable_ip_forward() { local ip_forword="$(sysctl -n 'net.ipv4.ip_forward' 2>/dev/null)" if [ -z "$ip_forword" -o "$ip_forword" != "1" ]; then ( set -x echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf 2>/dev/null ) fi } set_config() { is_port() { local port=$1 expr $port + 1 >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ [ "$port" -ge "1" -a "$port" -le "65535" ] } local input= if [ -z "$ACCELERATE_PORT" ] || ! is_port "$ACCELERATE_PORT"; then while : do read -p "请输入需要加速的端口 [1~65535]: " input echo if [ -n "$input" ] && is_port $input; then ACCELERATE_PORT="$input" else echo "输入有误, 请输入 1~65535 之间的数字!" continue fi break done fi cat >&2 <<-EOF --------------------------- 加速端口 = ${ACCELERATE_PORT} --------------------------- EOF any_key_to_continue } is_running() { ( set -x sleep 3 # https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=12407 # ping may not work with IPv4 under OpenVZ on CentOS 7 # ping -q -c3 2>/dev/null timeout 2 bash -c "</dev/tcp/${ACCELERATE_PORT}" 2>/dev/null ) return $? } enable_service() { if command_exists systemctl; then ( set -x systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable "${SERVICE_NAME}.service" ) elif command_exists service; then case "$lsb_dist" in ubuntu|debian|raspbian) ( set -x update-rc.d -f "${SERVICE_NAME}" defaults ) ;; fedora|centos|redhat|oraclelinux|photon) ( set -x chkconfig --add "${SERVICE_NAME}" chkconfig "${SERVICE_NAME}" on ) ;; esac fi } start_service() { if command_exists systemctl; then ( set -x sleep 3 systemctl start "$SERVICE_NAME" ) else ( set -x sleep 3 service "$SERVICE_NAME" start ) fi if [ "$?" != "0" ] || ! is_running; then do_uninstall cat >&2 <<-EOF 很遗憾,服务启动失败。 你可以查看上面的日志来获取原因, 或者,你可以到我们的群里反馈一下。 EOF exit 1 fi } end_install() { clear cat >&2 <<-EOF 恭喜!BBR 安装完成并成功启动 已加速的端口: ${ACCELERATE_PORT} 你可以通过修改文件: ${HAPROXY_LKL_DIR}/etc/port-rules 来配置需要加速的端口或端口范围。 EOF if command_exists systemctl; then cat >&2 <<-EOF 请使用 systemctl {start|stop|restart} ${SERVICE_NAME} 来 {开启|关闭|重启} 服务 EOF else cat >&2 <<-EOF 请使用 service ${SERVICE_NAME} {start|stop|restart} 来 {开启|关闭|重启} 服务 EOF fi cat >&2 <<-EOF 服务已自动加入开机启动,请放心使用。 如果这个脚本帮到了你,你可以请作者喝瓶可乐: https://blog.kuoruan.com/donate 享受加速的快感吧! EOF } do_uninstall() { check_root get_os_info if command_exists systemctl; then systemctl stop "${SERVICE_NAME}.service" 2>/dev/null ( set -x systemctl disable "${SERVICE_NAME}.service" 2>/dev/null rm -f "/lib/systemd/system/${SERVICE_NAME}.service" ) elif command_exists service; then service "${SERVICE_NAME}" stop 2>/dev/null case "$lsb_dist" in ubuntu|debian|raspbian) ( set -x update-rc.d -f "${SERVICE_NAME}" remove 2>/dev/null ) ;; fedora|centos|redhat|oraclelinux|photon) ( set -x chkconfig "${SERVICE_NAME}" off 2>/dev/null chkconfig --del "${SERVICE_NAME}" 2>/dev/null ) ;; esac ( set -x rm -f "/etc/init.d/${SERVICE_NAME}" ) fi ( set -x ${HAPROXY_LKL_DIR}/sbin/${SERVICE_NAME} -c 2>/dev/null rm -rf "${HAPROXY_LKL_DIR}" ) } do_install() { check_root check_ovz check_ldd check_arch get_os_info set_config install_deps enable_ip_forward check_nat_create install_haproxy install_lkl_lib start_service enable_service end_install } action=${1:-"install"} case "$action" in install|uninstall) do_${action} ;; *) cat >&2 <<-EOF 参数有误,请使用 $(basename $0) install|uninstall EOF exit 255 esac